Did you know that the performance of other building systems also (to a considerable extent) make demands on an HVAC system?
For example, during sunny days in San Jose, the topmost floor needs more energy to keep cool than the floor below.
It is most likely that a one-story building with a conventional black roof in Texas will cost considerably more to cool when compared to one with a reflective roof. However, if the same structure is in Minnesota and does not have adequate roof insulation, it will cost more to heat in the winter.
But, the roof is not the only part that affects the HVAC loads. Solar heat increase through windows, heat load from lighting systems, and air infiltration also have effects on HVAC loads. This holds true for various equipment as well; the range varies from computers to coffee makers.
In view of the mentioned facts, it makes perfect business sense to reduce energy. While, it costs nothing, it saves money, improves corporate reputation and enables you to do your part in the fight against climate change.
A typical human tendency would be to state the following: I like to have my creature comforts such as air conditioning during summer and heating during winter. Reducing energy means compromising on these comforts. No way! I am fine as I am!
Well this is what we have to say.
This is no need to compromise with your comforts and luxuries while reducing energy consumption. All it takes is a little awareness and presence of mind.
We have for you some energy saving opportunities and knickknacks that will help you cut costs, increase profit margins, and save the Earth as well. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning can account for the majority of money spent on energy by a household or an organization. Even small adjustments can significantly improve the environment and also save money.
Depending on the area required for cooling, the size and functions of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems vary. Some are large and some small. It would be good to analyze if the functions of these systems could be separated. For this, interaction of their services with each other needs to be scrutinized. For example, it is a sheer waste to increase the heating inside a building while the cooling device is trying to reduce the temperatures. A thorough look at how the elements of an HVAC system interact and fine tuning each part can save energy and money.