We all love to have our creature comforts when we need them. The air conditioning during summer and the heater during winter! We rarely ever give a thought to the energy we use in using these systems. Nor do we spare one for the carbon footprint created due to the use of these systems.
The world is now becoming more and more aware of the carbon emissions that cause carbon footprint, whose one of the results is global warming. There is a definite need to look for alternate forms of energy as the world’s energy reserves are being eaten up at an alarming pace.
“Experts at the Risø International Energy Conference in Denmark advocate using “off-the-shelf” technologies to create a sustainable global energy system. As long as the solutions can respond to fluctuations in energy consumption, intelligent energy systems are within reach. The most accessible improvements may be heating and cooling systems, suggests the International Energy Agency (IEA).”
Where do we stand? What is it that we can do to reduce our contribution of the carbon footprint?
We need to serious give a thought to the amount of energy we consume.
These points need not lead to you compromising on your comforts. You can actually reduce your energy consumption without depriving yourself and your families of the comforts you and they are used to.
All it takes is a little awareness, a sincere effort, and little discipline!
These tips can help you to reduce your energy consumption to a great extent.