When compared with conventional heating systems, underfloor heaters have a lot of benefits that most people are unaware of. The first and foremost one is that this type of system saves a lot of space. It is out of sight and thus allows you to use all the space in your room with no intrusions. Second, underfloor heaters prevent dust mites that gather in carpets when traditional radiators are used. … Continue Reading
Silent heat radiation with underfloor heating systems
There may have been times when you wished your heater would be less noisy. You may have even wished your air-conditioning system would work silently, with no hisses or drones. Well, you could consider switching to underfloor heating systems. These heating systems are known for their silent and efficient working. They provide complete and consistent heating from floor to ceiling without any creaks or groans usually experienced in radiators with conventional pipes…. Continue Reading
Maintain a checklist of HVAC checks
It is not uncommon for people to take their central air conditioner for granted once it has worked well for a certain period without any problems. Slowly, you start becoming lax on maintaining a ‘to-do’ or a ‘to-check’ checklist and regular servicing. All the promises you made when you bought the new heating and cooling air conditioner slowly start receding from your mind. You think all is well, the unit is operating fine, so periodic checks need not be periodic any more, and servicing can be once in a while, and so on…. Continue Reading