Regular maintenance is essential in making any appliance last, and the same goes for your HVAC system. Without proper care your system will fail, which can lead to higher energy bills and poor indoor air quality.
The Causes of Common HVAC Odors
Your HVAC system helps improve your home’s air quality while maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature. However, at times it can emit strange odors which indicate different things, including HVAC emissions that contribute to poor air quality.
How to Adjust Your HVAC for Daylight Savings Time
Every year, people all across America (except those in Arizona and Hawaii) move their clocks one hour forward in the spring and one hour back in the fall. While this practice that aims to make use of longer daylight hours in the evening has been in effect as a federal law since 1966, many people still have a hard time remembering which way the clock moves when Daylight Saving Time (DST) rolls around each year. This year, DST starts on March 10, which is the second Sunday of March, and ends on November 3…. Continue Reading
The Importance of the ENERGY STAR® Label
Whether you’re replacing an old heater or buying a new air conditioning unit, it’s important to always check for the blue ENERGY STAR® label. While it shows the technical specifications of the unit, it also serves as a buyer’s guide for those looking for the most energy-efficient unit possible.