Did you know that your HVAC system has an effect on your mood and overall health? Indoor air quality, temperature and humidity levels all play a part in how good or bad you feel whenever you’re indoors.

Home furnace repair experts sometimes discuss the following facts when explaining why a homeowner should always keep their HVAC system clean and properly functioning.
Workplace temperature affects productivity. The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Environmental Energy Technologies Division at Berkeley, CA, and the Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory for Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning in Finland, determined in a study that people are most productive in a workplace with temperatures between 69.8 and 71.6 degrees. The right temperature helps workers concentrate.
Higher temperatures can increase anger. If you’re at home, it’s best to keep temperatures between 68 and 70 degrees. Anything higher than that can contribute to aggression and anger, while anything lower can lead to pent-up anger and aggression. Lethargy and sluggishness, however, can subdue these emotions. If your AC is broken, make sure to call a pro for an AC repair and avoid such hairy situations.
Temperature and humidity levels affect sleep quality. A good night’s sleep helps reduce a person’s tendency to be irritable, stressed or angry. Keeping your room between 62 and 67 degrees at night can help you sleep better. If the air is too dry, use a humidifier and set it to an optimal humidity level.
Indoor air quality plays a role in overall health and mood. Indoor air pollutants can cause allergic reactions. You can clean your indoor air by using an air conditioning unit with a true HEPA filter, which is more effective than a regular filter at catching air pollutants. If your AC won’t take a HEPA filter, think about investing in an air purifier that’s properly sized for your home. That being said, it’s very important to maintain and clean your HVAC system to make sure it isn’t the cause of pollution in your home.
Get in touch with Cooper Brothers Inc. for air conditioner repairs and other services. Call us today at (408) 649-2008 or leave us a message here.