How to Tell If Your AC Needs to Be Replaced ASAP

An air conditioning unit is a vital piece of equipment in your home during the summer, helping regulate the temperature and allowing you to enjoy a comfortable environment. Just like any other home component, however, AC units can have issues too, which is why they need proper, regular maintenance. Otherwise, you might experience sudden inconveniences, particularly if they stop working when you need them most.

If your air conditioner is outdated and is experiencing frequent issues, you might want to replace it. Cooper Brothers, Inc., your go-to air conditioner repair expert, shares a few signs that a replacement is needed ASAP in this post.

Your AC is more than a decade old. A well-maintained air conditioner can last between 10 and 12 years. If you find yourself constantly needing AC repairs and your unit is more than 10 years old (and uses R-22 Freon), it makes more sense to replace it. This is especially true when you consider the advancements in comfort and efficiency air conditioning systems have made in the past decade alone.

Your AC has more frequent breakdowns. Does it seem like your AC unit is constantly breaking down? Are you calling your contractor every month because of a new problem with your unit? AC repair costs can add up quickly, and it doesn’t really make sense to keep making repairs on an older unit. Save yourself time, stress and money by investing in an air conditioner replacement.

Your home isn’t as comfortable as before. Is your home less cool and comfortable than it used to be when the AC is turned on? This could be a sign of an aging air conditioner, or even an incorrectly-sized unit. No matter the cause, you want your air conditioner to do its job properly. If it’s not going to keep your home cool, you’ll want to replace it with another unit that will.

To improve your home’s comfort and air quality, an HVAC system that’s new and equipped with the right features must be considered. Turn to Cooper Brothers, Inc. for all of your HVAC needs. To schedule a FREE consultation, call us at (408) 662-1538 or complete our contact form today.