Air conditioners are complex systems, which is why myths about them still persist to this day. While most air conditioning myths are harmless, some may end up costing you money on your utility bills. In today’s post, local air quality HVAC contractor Cooper Bros shares a look at common air conditioning myths that might be costing you money.

MYTH: Fans are for cooling the room.
Running a fan along with the air conditioner creates airflow in the room. While this helps cool air get to you faster, it doesn’t actually cool the room. Airflow creates a greater cooling effect than just letting the heat radiate off your skin. It also enables you to turn up the thermostat a few degrees to save on energy. However, there’s no benefit to keeping the fan on when nobody is in the room.
MYTH: A bigger air conditioner equals a cooler house.
“Bigger is better” applies to many things, but air conditioners are certainly not among them. An air conditioner needs to be properly sized for the house in which it’s installed. One that’s too small will redline all the time just to meet the home’s basic cooling needs. An air conditioner that’s too big will turn off and on too often, which will consume more energy. Frequent stop-starts can also result in inefficient cooling and uneven indoor humidity levels. If you’re considering an air conditioner replacement, have a certified technician first measure your home’s square footage. They can then recommend the models that are most suitable for your home’s size.
MYTH: Turning off the air conditioner when you’re away from home will save you money.
You can save a little on energy costs if you turn off your appliances when you’re not using them. However, doing so with your air conditioner will do the opposite because the air conditioner will have to cool the entire house down again when it starts back up. You’ll save on energy costs by setting a programmable thermostat to raise the temperature by about 10 degrees when the house is unoccupied and automatically lower it back down when you’re scheduled to return.
Cooper Bros is your leading provider of air conditioner repair and installation services. Give us a call at (408) 662-1538. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.