The Importance of Indoor Air Quality in Office Environments

Indoor air quality has a huge impact on business and commercial establishments because it can affect the comfort, health, and work performance of its inhabitants. Majority of Americans dedicate around 90% of their day indoors while many works in an office setting.

In this post, your leading air conditioner repair expert, Cooper Brothers, Inc. discusses the importance of indoor air quality in commercial buildings.

Studies on Indoor Air Quality

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conducted studies which proved that at times, the indoor environments can contain higher levels of pollutants than the outdoors. These pollutants increase the risk of respiratory problems, that’s why AC repair and maintenance are important.

A 1989 EPA Report to Congress discovered that better indoor air quality resulted in increased productivity and less lost work days. A lot of income is lost each year in the US because of lost productivity and medical expenses.

Factors Affecting Indoor Air Quality

Identifying your indoor air quality isn’t that easy as it’s constantly changing. It is affected by the cause of pollutants or odors. They can come from the building’s maintenance, pest control, housekeeping, remodeling, or the activities of the occupants.

The structure and maintenance of the building’s ventilation systems also affect air quality. HVAC systems contribute to the distribution and elimination of pollutants. When neglected, they can be the source of pollutants.

Moisture and humidity should be controlled as high levels can cause the development of molds. Meanwhile, very low humidity levels may lead to irritated mucous membranes, dry eyes, and sinus problems.

Maintaining a good indoor air quality involves eliminating the root causes of the pollutants and using filters to keep the air clean. Regular maintenance done be professionals can spot problems in the HVAC system and improve the working environment. At Cooper Brothers, Inc., we are your leading provider of air conditioning and home furnace repair services. Call us at (408) 649-2008 or complete our online form. We serve clients in San Jose, CA.