Indoor Air Quality: Things You Need to Know

Not many homeowners realize that in the United States, the average home’s indoor air has up to 200 times more pollution than the outdoor air. Indeed, a typical family often generates such pollutants as smoke, dust, pollen, and other irritants every single day. Worse, they get recycled and circulated around the home via your HVAC system.

As your heater and air conditioner repair experts, Cooper Brothers, Inc.. encourages homeowners to remove these health hazards and ensure the quality of indoor air at home. Find out more about it in today’s article.

About Indoor Air Quality

This concept refers to the air quality within and around structures and buildings, with focus on the health and comfort of the occupants. Indoor pollutants can put individuals at risk of certain health conditions, which is why it is imperative to understand and find ways to control such pollutants to improve the building’s indoor air quality. After all, people spend their time indoors about 90% of the time.

Strategies to Improve Air Quality

There are many strategies that help improve indoor air quality. One of them involves controlling the sources of pollutants. This cost-effective approach covers one of two things: complete elimination of pollutants or adjustments to reduce emissions. We don’t just offer heating or AC repairs, but also provide high-efficiency, pollution-fighting solutions to help improve the quality of indoor air.

Another strategy involves using an air cleaner to remove airborne particles from your indoor air. With so many types and sizes on the market today, it is important to consider how well it draws air and how efficient it is in collecting pollutants. Give us a call today to have your indoor air assessed and to find out the recommended products that will fill your needs.

Cooper Brothers, Inc.. emphasizes the need to have healthy air in your home. We have Comfort Advisors who would be happy to visit your home and perform a free analysis of your indoor air quality. They can answer your questions and help you arrive at the best option that fits your family’s needs.

We offer exceptional HVAC services, from home furnace repair to air conditioning installations. Get in touch with us at (408) 649-2008. You may also fill out our form to schedule an appointment. We serve residents of San Jose and other nearby California areas.